Please try to pay off your debt by buying Burn🚀🚀🚀

Burn🚀🚀🚀  was deployed by an unknown developer,it promoted by Global Community Autonomy,Dao Autonomy Token. Total Supply 21,000,000.Buy and sell slip point 3%,Dividend 2%,Burning 1%,Hold 10,000 tokens to participate in the dividend.

One of the sharp-eyed teacher in the Global Community Autonomy,that named DaAi,after analyzing the data, decided to set up the Rocket International Club(RIC) with anather teacher named DuoCai. The mission of the RIC is to increase the consensus on Burn🚀🚀🚀  so that the price of Burn🚀🚀🚀  equals the price of ETH in six mouthes. In order to achieve this ambitious goal, the RIC proposed to lock up the tokens with a multi-signature wallet.Until the price of Burn🚀🚀🚀   is equal to the price of ETH, the tokens in the multi-sign wallet will be gradually released. After more than four months of efforts,more than 700 holders have locked up 12,510,000 tokens via multi-signature wallet, 1st address 6.41M tokens, 2nd address 6M tokens.



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    Global Community   

   Chinese Community   


Development vision 2024

This is a millionaire token, if you are in debt, please join in us! 

The RIC has laid a solid foundation for us, and have locked up 12.41 million tokens, burned 2.98 million tokens and are still burning. In the early consensus of the Foundation, the vision for each holder is that one Burn🚀🚀🚀   is equal to one ETH. When we have locked up enough tokens, the leader of the foundation Mr. Great Love, once again raised the new consensus for us: One Burn🚀🚀🚀   is equal to one BTC in the next seven mouthes.

Let's look forward to the RIC's next performance

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